Monday, July 13, 2009

Balanced Life

Lately I've felt like my life was kind of like this unbalanced scale. The left side is % of time spent doing all the things I have to do and the right side is % of time spent doing all the things I want to do. I felt like balance was lacking and took advantage of a lunchtime lecture at work on leading a balanced life.

After the lecture I see my life is more like this:
Even though I don't get to all the things I want to do, I spent most of my time doing things I really like and want to do. My life is very busy b/c I am very motivated, but it is filled with things I love. I think the main reason I felt my life was unbalanced was because it is difficult to squeeze out time for the leisure time activity I love most: reading.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are making me think....