As I have been perusing other people's blogs for ideas, these are the ones that struck me
1) Have a gratitude journal on your blog. One blogger had a goal to list 3 things for which she was grateful at the end of each post. Another blogger dedicates an entire blog to gratitude and some beautiful photos to illustrate the thing for which she is grateful.
2) Make a list of 50 things to do this year. They can be as simple as learning to make a new dish or visiting a new place. Here are some examples from this blogger.
My goals for 2010:
1) Be more healthy (exercise at least 3x/week as part of my commute, eat the recommended daily servings of fruit and vegetables, & cut way back on sweets).
2) Include one thing for which I am grateful at the bottom of each blog post.
3) Develop compassion for those around me--especially for people I don't know and who may be momentarily making my life difficult (bumping me on the subway, cutting in front of me in the road, etc.).
4) Develop and act on a "20 things to do this year" list.
My gratitude post: I am grateful for my condo. I love having my own space that I can decorate and fill however I would like.
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